Shop local and feel great!
Below is a list of stores (arranged alphabetically) where you can purchase our book, The Revised Rhode Island Family Hiking Guide and Journal.
- Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol
- Barrington Books, Barrington
- Books on the Square, Providence
- Camp Yawgoog Trading Post, Rockville (seasonal)
- Frog and Toad, Providence (2 locations)
- Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum, Saunderstown
- Island Books, Middletown
- Kettle Pond Visitor Center, Charlestown
- Le’s Isle Rose, East Greenwich
- Mills Creek Natural Market, Charlestown
- Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown
- REI, Cranston
- Sachuest Point Visitor Center, Middletown
- Stillwater Books, West Warwick
- URE Outfitters, Hope Valley
- Wakefield Books, Wakefield
- West Bay Scout Shop, Warwick
If you would like to carry our hiking guide in your store, or have a suggestion about a location that might want to carry our guide, please contact us.