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Follow these simple steps to avoid ticks out on the trails.

Teach yourself and your family how to prevent tick bites!

  • Clothing that’s been treated with the repellent Permethrin is the best deterrent.
  • Repellents containing DEET that are applied to exposed skin are far less effective against ticks.
  • Wear long, light colored pants tucked into long, white socks.
  • Learn more at the website for the University of Rhode Island’s TickEncounter Resource Center.

Be sure to do a tick check every day!

  • Do a tick check immediately upon completing a hike, and again when you return home.
  • Visit for more information on how to remove ticks safely.
  • If you find a tick, be sure to take a picture and try to identify it. TickEncounter’s TickSpotters program will help confirm the tick identification and provide guidance for managing the tick bite and preventing future bites.
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