Scroll down below the map to see our Places to Explore, organized by county. Bristol County McIntosh Wildlife RefugeTouisset Marsh Wildlife Refuge Kent County Frenchtown ParkGeorge B. Parker WoodlandMaxwell Mays Wildlife RefugeTillinghast Pond Management Area Newport County Ballard ParkCliff WalkDundery Brook TrailEmilie Ruecker Wildlife RefugeNorman Bird SanctuarySachuest Point National Wildlife RefugeSpruce Acres Farm Providence County Blackstone ParkCasimir Pulaski Memorial State ParkDiamond Hill ParkFort Nature RefugeJerimoth HillNeutaconkanut HillPowder Mill Ledges Wildlife RefugeRoger Williams ParkWalkabout Trail Washington (South) County Block Island National Wildlife RefugeBreakheart Pond LoopBrowning Mill PondCanonchet FarmCrawley PreserveFisherville Brook Wildlife RefugeFrancis C. Carter Memorial PreserveGilbert Stuart Birthplace & MuseumGreat Swamp Management AreaGrills PreserveJohn H. Chafee Nature PreserveLong Pond WoodsMount TomNapatree Point Conservation AreaNinigret National Wildlife Refuge (northern section)Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge (southern section)Ryan ParkStepstone FallsTrustom Pond National Wildlife RefugeUpper Roaring Brook